My Tweets

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Yesterday was a really black day in India's history not only did our intelligence failed us we also lost so many brave officers on duty. More than 160 people dead and so many more injured by the hands of lower than the lowest form of life "Terrorist" these low lives don't have any feelings and kill innocents just to cause unrest & cease humanity's progress.

we always say that "we Indians bounce back no matter what happens", I am not very pleased to hear this more than 400 Indians have given there lives in vain we have happily been bouncing back. how many more of our brothers and sisters have to die before we start to ask WHY? why don't our stupid politicians start to invest in our country instead of investing in their pockets ?  I think problem is with us also we have a very short term memory n are very impulsive. i am very sure a year from now no one will be asking the government what all security measures.

We have to see US did not see any attack after 9/11 and Brits have prevented so many terrorist disasters. these countries are ready to help us n we better take it otherwise any idiot with jihad on his mind can bring hell on earth for poor innocents. 
we all need to get up and say enough is enough we need better security.